As an Angel Investor he is one of the founders of Italian Angels for Growth, one of the fastest growing business angels groups in Europe, with more than 100 members, over 10 ml€ invested and 20 ml€ committed. He currently has a portfolio of nine start-ups in different sectors (www.italianangels.net). As an early stage fund manager, he is the President of Zernike Meta Ventures, an investment company with over 90 ml€ euro under management, of which over 35 ml€ have already been invested in more than 40 companies (www.zernikemetaventures.com). Finally, as co-founder and CEO of META Consulting, a company focused on innovation, entrepreneurship and finance he has been developing since 1993 the company from a local boutique to an international firm working with International Institutions, such as the European Commission, the World Bank, the Interamerican Development Bank etc. (www.metaeconomicdevelopment.com). During the early years of his career he has been a researcher and software engineer in the field of Computational Mechanics working with a spin off of Imperial College (www.lusas.com) and has contributed to the start-up of a ISRIM Research Institute of Advanced Materials (www.isrim.it). He holds an Engineering Degree Summa cum Laude from the University of Rome, a Master of Science and a Diplome from Imperial College London.
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